perkaya wawasan dan kreativitas anda

Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Scientists Discover Genes Cause Migraine

Millions of migraine sufferers have a new hope after scientists discovered the gene penyabab this disease. These findings have found that headaches can be passed from parents to children. Researchers from the Medical Research Council Functional Genomics Unit at the University of Oxford discovered the gene called TRESK. When this gene mutates, it can more easily trigger the pain centers of the brain and cause severe headaches, the researchers reported in the journal Nature Genetics on Monday (27 / 9).

About one in four women and one of the twelve men experience migraine. Generally, people with migraine are those who consume alcohol, foods such as chocolate, red wine and caffeine and stress. World Health Organization says migraine as a leading cause of disability worldwide and nerve disorders that frequently occur in Europe. Zameel Dr. Cader said: "We already know why people suffer from migraine and how migraine is transmitted from parent to child."

Previous studies have identified the parts of human DNA is the trigger migraine, but have not found a gene that directly causes migraine. In one of the six cases, the symptoms of migraine include eye dizzy, and difficulty in seeing the focus to something. Migraine sufferers also experience pain in the head, are sensitive to light and sound, often nausea and a strong desire to lie down in a dark room. severe attacks can last for days.

The cause of migraines remains a mystery, although some studies have linked with hormonal changes. Some researchers argue that the decrease in air pressure reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood. Lower oxygen levels can cause blood vessels in the brain dilate, triggering pain constantly. Other researchers have speculated that the decrease in air pressure affect the fluid that protects the brain inside the skull, this causes increased pressure on brain tissue. (Dailymail / Job)

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